Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Top 5 with Viss Chrisser

Top 5 dream jobs
1. Martin Scorsese
2. Profession Movie-Watcher
3. Profession Music-Listener (
4. Jonny K
5. Professional Lover (Niko)

Top 5 albums all-time
1. 65daysofstatic - The Fall of Math
2. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
3. The Beatles - Abbey Road
4. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F#A# ∞
5. American Football - American Football

Top 5 non-Scorcese films
1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. The Godfather
4. Schindler's List
5. Snatch

Top 5 things to do on the 20 hour drive to Texas
1. Make signs to talk to 12 year olds in large vans
2. Watching some Scootering in gas station parking lots
3. Stopping at Wendy's
4. Singing along to Tenacious D
5. Take pictures of Niko sleeping without waking him up

Top 5 reasons to live at home during college
1. Save Money
2. More time to listen to music
3. Quality time with mah 'Stang, Bula
4. Home-cooked food every night
5. Sectional Couch

Top 5 Dr. Pepper flavors
1. Regular
2. Vampire Bats
3. Delicious
4. Diet
5. Jonny K

Top 5 bands you despise but everybody else loves
1. Explosions In The Sky
2. Angels & Airwaves
3. Niko's favourite music
4. Mainstream Music
5. Music with words

Top 5 Asians
1. Sgt.
2. Mutyumu
3. Henry Wu (Jurassic Park)
4. Sabrina Bong
5. Hideo Kojima

Top 5 Rock Band songs
1. Reptillia
2. Gimme Shelter
3.Welcome Home
4. Won't Get Fooled Again
5. Ballroom Blitz

Top 5 things people don't know about you
1. I wanted to be a Power Ranger when I was a young lad. So much so that I had people call me "Billy." My uncle Phil still calls me this to this day.
2. I had the nickname "Critter" when I was born. My uncle Bob still calls me this and only this to this day.
3. I don't try very hard with a lot of things. I lack motivation.
4. I wish I was more like Jonny K
5. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use the term "emo" improperly. It is not the neo-goth fashion style or a genre for bands like Dashboard Confessional. It means "emotive hardcore" and describes bands like Circle Takes The Square. And now you know.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hear this album

MGMT is the most infectious band that I have ever heard. Combining a mix of indie pop rock and psychedelic electronica, their sophomore album Oracular Spectacular is sure to be stuck in your head for days and days. Highlights of the album include the opening track 'Time to Pretend' which is an anthem for the teenage generation's refusal to conform. Another highlight is 'Electric Feel'. The most addictive track on the album however is 'Kids'. The first time that I heard this track I had it in my head for at least a week. Listen to it at your own discretion and don't blame me when you have this whole album stuck in your head.

Grade= Gold Star

Friday, February 13, 2009

Top 5 with Niko

Top 5 people
1. Me
2. Kyle
3. Jonny K
4. Visser

Top 5 sporting events you don't care about
1. US Open
2. World Series
3. World Cup
4. Superbowl is to football as ________ is to basketball
5. Superbowl

Top 5 things about Texas
1. People
2. Weather
3. Large trucks
4. Old men in the large trucks wearing cowboy hats
5. Chicken Express

Top 5 words to put a Z on the end of
1. Realz
2. Skillz
3. haxorz
4. ballz
5. zubaz
6. lolz

Top 5 Dragonball characters
1. Goku
2. Gohan
3. Trunks
4. Piccolo
5. Goten

Top 5 made up languages
1. Any language that isn't English is made up sooo....
2. German
3. Spanish
4. French
5. Romanian

Top 5 video games you used to play
1. Halo 2
2. Guitar Hero 2
3. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi
4. All Final Fantasy games
5. Kingdom Hearts 2

Top 5 things to argue about
1. Faith
2. Who ate the last of the ice cream
3. Girls
4. Who should let the dog out
5. Who farted

Top 5 reasons to visit WI
1. None
2. None
3. Some friends
4. None
5. Culvers/ Real cheese

Top 5 things to waste money on
2. Hollister clothes
3. Sweet tea
4. Video games I won't ever play
5. Mackers