Sunday, December 28, 2008

Drunk History

Want to watch drunk people talk about history? Yes you do.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Top Things of Oh Ate

1. Music discoveries
Thanks to people and things, I have learned about new music in 2008. Vampire Weekend. Manchester Orchestra. Favorite albums of 08: Narrow Stairs, Paper Trails, Red Album.
2. iPhone
Let me get this straight. I can use my iPod as a phone? Why didn't anybody think of this earlier.
3. College
It's pretty great. You can say naughty words and share a bathroom with numerous other guys. Oh and you can go to bed after 12.
4. Dewmocracy
Mountain Dew was all like, "Make our new flavor." America was all like, "Yep." Voltage was the best flavor by far.
5. Facial hair
Okay, well it's not here yet, but plans have been made to get this mustache underway ASAP.
6. Flight of the Conchords
HBO comedy about New Zealand's fourth most popular folk parody duo. It's good. Just like Bret's beard.
7. Movies
I rented a movie just about every day this summer. It was a great summer. Some notable ones are Almost Famous, Sweeney Todd, Cloverfield, Garden State. Wes Anderson.
8. Starburst jelly beans
Honestly the greatest things ever.
9. Rainbow Twizzlers
Honestly the greatest things ever. Don't eat too many or you'll puke a spectrum of artificial food colors.
10. Naps
Who sleeps at night time? LAME.
11. Video Games
teh best gmes r lyk GTA IV, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In gta u can sh00t ppl in teh hed n run frm teh copz lawl

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Folie a Deux

Want to listen to Fall Out Boy's new album before it's released on Tuesday? Today is your lucky day.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brain Thrust Mastery

Some funny webisodes from a funny band. This is just the link to the first one. If you like it then you should be able to find the rest of them fairly easily. The band is We Are Scientists. A song you should check out from them is After Hours. Also look at their website. It has reviews of random stuff like the best names for eagles, and the advice page is also priceless.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome to the best day of your life

I Like This, You Like This is a place for me to share with you all of the things that I enjoy that I think that you would enjoy. I plan on sharing music, movies, food, video games, web-videos and lots of other things with you, the internets. Life sure can be confusing, but with me as your guide to all things great, I think that you will all be just fine. I really don't care if you don't like some of the things that I post. I like it.

To kick off this site I want to share with you one of my favorite web series. Clark and Michael is great and that's pretty much all that you need to know about it. Go watch it. There are ten episodes that are all about six minutes long, so it shouldn't take you long to watch them all. Hopefully I will have shared something new with you all right around the time that you're done watching the whole series.