Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I hate you

Listen to this song while you're reading please

Click ME!

I don't know why I periodically write in this blog. In my head it is so that I can share with you, the uninformed world, some of the movies, music and other culture that I personally enjoy. Maybe you will enjoy it too. Here's the thing. I hate everybody else that likes things that I like. Pretty much none of my friends that I see on a daily basis are interested in the same things as me. The people that I do share these things with seem to hate me as well. That's fine. In my head they are all phonies anyway. I assume that they only like these things because they think it is the popular thing to do. Maybe that's true for some. Maybe I'm only contributing to the problem that I believe exists. I hate those that "claim" they like the same things as me, but I also look down those that have never heard of anything that I am talking about. Maybe these things just seem to make people less friendly or open to new friendships. In my head there's a war raging between the ignorant that I believe only listen to Nickelback, think Dane Cook is "mad funny", and hail Transformers 2 as the best movie ever and the people that only shop at Urban Outfitters, orgasm at the very thought of Monsters of Folk, and "am a vegan now".

I know what you're probably thinking because I am thinking the exact same thought. "Jon, you just described yourself." That's what I'm afraid of. The last thing that I want is to come across as a self righteous hipster that will do anything to let you know I found out about a band or other popular thing before you. If that's what seems to be going on then I need to just stop writing this thing forever. The most important thing in life to me is honesty. There is nothing that I hate more than a faker or a phony. If you have to change yourself so much in order to get others to like you or at least accept you, then you are a phony. Do what you want and don't care what others say. Look at me. I don't honestly think that my long hair looks good. I just wanted to grow it to the longest it will ever be. When I deem it acceptable, I will cut it off. My "mustache" has obviously not been occupying my upper lip for the past two months in order to pick up chicks. I just think it looks funny and that's all. I also don't ride a scooter to impress girls. It's just something that I love to do. I know it's not cool or popular, but there's nothing I love more in this world than having scooter practice by myself in a parking lot listening to whatever is inspiring me to ride. In my own eyes, I'm too eccentric and like too much weirdo stuff to be normal, and I'm a little too normal to get along with the people that share my passions. I know that this entire entry probably sounds like I am an elitist hipster douche. There's nothing I can think to write that will change your mind. All I know is that there is nothing that I hate more than a faker or a liar and I am able to live with myself quite alright. I must be doing fine. Be true to you. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to anyone. Be you. Don't be somebody else. Do whatever you want. Live your life. Not the life you think somebody else wants you to live.

Maybe I'm jaded from subconsciously absorbing and taking on the attitudes of all the broken, cynical, pathetic song writers that I love and look up to. God knows that I have never had any real trauma in my life, and I will be the first to admit that. I have been extremely blessed to never have had to go through anything that broke my soul or changed my life for the worse.

Local Natives- Basically Copeland with Fleet Foxes melodies featuring Arcade Fire.
Wide Eyes

Death at a Funeral- Great British film being "Americanized" by black people. Do yourself a favor and watch the original. (with white people)

If you haven't seen Shutter Island yet, you are missing out. I was literally pooping my pants with excitement the entire time I was watching. Intense stuff! Go see it. I may do a post on it soonish.


Justine said...

Thank you, Holden, for your insight. But legit, thank you.

Local Natives... yes oh yes. Can't stop listenin'

Doug said...

Hating things because they're popular is too trendy now. That's why I choose to hate everything.